Wandering around in Kiev

Beside trying to get into some abandoned but perhaps protected area I was doing my daily walk through different parts of the city. There are lots of things to discover and certain things I wouldn’t have expected in a former soviet country.

Like this really cool park area with its modern art. Different shaped benches and couple of creative play grounds. But the best one might be the ‘Alice in wonderland’ theme.

Its quite common for the kids to ride some of those ferry tale figures. Which one would you pick? The giraffe or crazy donkey? The Dino is missing today, sorry for that.

But there is also some street art around. One of them shows a huge graffiti which gives you a daily scene inside of a house. The only thing I could think was ‘Bloody wild ukrainians …!’.

In another park you could play angry bird in real life. Never seen that idea before. In contrast to the app this game wasn’t free and also not very mobile.

On my exploration trip through the harbour I found this kind of abandoned building which might have been in a better shape recently. At least the WiFi sign at the entrance looks of younger age. This house might have been the only one with a wireless connection. Was … I couldn’t find any signal around here.

Als around the harbour I found this vessel which seemed to be kind of a monument. Don’t know exactly why they fixed it with chains to the ground but perhaps they are afraid of that someone will steel this 1000 tone military boat! If there only wouldn’t have been so many military cadets around I would have tried it … 😀

random copenhagen

Most famous building front of denmark reconstructed in Lego@Lego Store Copenhagen.

Two lovely birds in a window of an art expedition. The big one was watching you while the little one was enjoying his deep sleep. Kind of funny to see how it was breathing.

On the 29th I went to the cinema to see the new Bond. Great movie but even better was the kiosk of the cinema. Candy land non plus ultra, yahaaaaaa … my dentist will hate me!!!

Liepaja – Coast-side of Latvia

Liepaja was not on my initial list for places I wanted to see. Anyway, because of seasons I left out some places and was looking for new ones to go to. Liepaja was a hint from the last hostel crew – for that thanks to Dace, great tip.


Actually I expected Liepaja very small and was a bit afraid of what I could do here. But finally I have to say its a great place to spend a night or even a couple of nights. Even in autumn you can enjoy the center or the surrounding parks.

Basement Restauran

Like in many Baltic towns old buildings were constructed out of wood. Gives you a cosy feeling even in the basement. Hotel Fontaine was a great stay, some how it felt like in soviet times.

lovely room, isn't it? 😀

Cool room isn’t it, especially the color. Looks like someone had a pink marker 😉

Greetings from Russia

Some random things we passed by on our daily walk through Tallinn.

uncomfortable eastern train, mind the gap ...

In London you will mention this “Mind the Gap” thing. But somehow the gaps are tiny there, but here they are at least 2 food wide … no signs around!

russian market bookshelf

Interesting covers, looks like a Rambo movie from the nineties …

lada1300 special KGB edition

Like this one most. You will notice these Ladas from time to time but that was the only one with a KGB sign on 🙂