ByeBye Russia

Russia its a huge country with so many things to see. From east to west people are quite different. In the west around Moscow they are proud on the country and many people fully support the government and its decisions. If you once crossed the Ural at once you get confronted with questions like ‘Do you like Russia?’ and if you answer with yes they are somehow surprised.
In my opinion people in the east care more about the representation of the country. They want to show you the beautiful place out in the nature just to show you how beautiful it is. And that not all is about the politics in Moscow.

There were a few things I so far only recognised in this country.

  • Don’t park wrong. Never seen so many towing trucks in cities than in Russia. Sometimes it looks like they rape parking slots!
  • The Fast and Furious place in Krasnoyarsk was a class for its own
  • Becoming part of a wedding community in seconds
  • In Moscow, a barkeeper refilled a liquor bottle from a plastic container
  • In the east part 50% of the cars are right site controlled. Mixed traffic
  • Minibuses going like roller coasters through the nature

I really enjoyed my time in this country and hope to see more of it somewhen in the future. Looking back to great moments I could share with great people – locals, friends and random travellers. Going out, discovering a place or just having a talk on the train. I’ll be back 🙂

Little adventure …

For friday we planned to have a big night. We started with a meal and a bottle of Vodka which we shared with Matt. A russian guy form Moscow region traveling with his twin sister Mary and childhood friend Denise. Somewhen later that night all of us – Alex, them and me – went out. Just for a karaoke bar. Russians love that ‘shit’! They introduced us to some local shots based on Vodka and berry juice.

Later that night we change the place to another karaoke bar and some of us decided to go home. Anyway, they got back at 5am. They asked me if I would like to go back to the hostel with them. I refused. Not really sober but on my own I went for after party in Saint Petersburg. In the first place I got asked by the barkeeper if I want a big or small drink. For sure ‘Big’ was my answer. Didn’t expect a pincher … got about 1l or more of Mojito.

Somewhen I ended up in a weird club where I spent the rest of my time. For the way home I took a Kebab. Meanwhile my energy level was running low and my phone’s was already done. And for sure google maps didn’t work neither! I got lost and finally it took me almost 2 hours to find the way back to the place. People were already wondering what happened to me when I returned at 3pm on Saturday … One reason, why you always should take a printed map instead of the smartphone!

Moving on …

Its already a month since my last update. And since then I moved quite a bit. I had to say goodbye to Kiev and the people I met to go back to Vilnius for a few days. Just for a moment to say hi to my friends. Finally it was longer than expected.

Visited a festival in the middle of a forrest, went camping on a lake and went also to the coast site. So I saw a little bit more of that beautiful country.

At the day I wanted to leave I decided to apply for a russian visa to join a friend for a trip. So I got to wait for another couple of nights till I got my passport back. On this point I have to say that my initial plan – almost 2 years ago – was to go to Russia. Took some time to apply for the visa…

While waiting on the visa I went to Palanga a summer resort on the Baltic sea. After just 6 days instead of 10 my visa was done and ready to be picked up at the travel agency. So I got some additional time for Tallinn.

Back in Tallinn I caught up with Alex – my french friend. Met some awesome people in the hostel and all together we had a awesome time playing card, eating and going out. One night we ended up in a club called Hollywood. While we were entering it we recognised all the police vehicles in front of it. Inside everything was normal at least for the moment. Five minutes later the lights went on, the music off and the dance floor was rushed by the officers. And after another five minutes everything was over and they took out two guys. The funny part of it: 15 officers vs. 2 massive guys 😀

Thought I am over travels for the moment but at it seems it just peeks up again.)

Ready for getting into Russia…

Few days in the West – Chernivtsi

Another trip away from Kiev this time to the west near to the Moldavian / Romanian border to a city called Chernivtsi. A place with a quarter million inhabitants which Ukrainians call to be like a european city. My hostel was truly just a short stroll away from the station. On the way there you already could recognise that the Austrian-Hungarian empire left its traces.

Just after my check-in in the hostel all the guests were offered to join the british owner to an excursion to his second Hostel in Kam’yanets’-Podil’s’kyi including the transportation. A nearby place famous for its medieval fortification. Couldn’t be better since it was on my plan to go there for one day.

The road to this rather small soviet city with its historical old town was kind of bumpy. To the first time I saw really bad roads. I mean really bad ones. The beginning and end were kind of nice or ok but in the middle there was a section which cars moved to either site of the street just to move around the huge pot holes. Luckily we had an original british LandRover which did his job and brought us safely to Kam’yanets’-Podil’s’kyi.

The hostel is based just a short walk away from the main sight around old town. The old town its quite small and in a few minutes you have seen most of the things.

There are two monasteries around which shall be connected with a tunnel. One is occupied by nuns the other one by monks. At the monastery of the nuns is a catholic church based which has kind of a funny tower. A minaret its on the churches side! Originally built as catholic church it became a muslim place and later on a catholic church again.

The new part of the city its a typical soviet place. A few parks with soviet like monuments and the infamous concrete buildings. And as usual are there also abandoned places in the middle of town. We just stayed 24h which was far enough to see the fortress, old town as well as new town. Next day we headed back over the bumpy road to Chernivtsi.

And finally I found what I was missing in other places in Ukraine. A pedestrian street former calle ‘Herrengasse’ going through the old town. Full of small cafes and european like restaurants. Surrounded by historical buildings which are kept in a great condition.

The city was influenced by the Austrian Hungarian empire as well as by Romanian culture. But one of the University buildings looked more likely it was build by some english architect. Most important buildings around the centre and the parks around them are in great shape. It kind of surprised me since in other parts of Ukraine people don’t care that much about property. i still wonder who comes up for all the maintenance and restoration since there is not that much tourism around.

As soon as you leave the centre Chernivtsi becomes more of a Soviet place. Abandoned buildings, parks are wilder and more and more nine story apartment buildings show up. And as usual some industrial complex between them which from many are abandoned.

During my stay in Chernivtsi I got the chance to meet the family of Mischa. Thank you again for the city tour and nightly walk as well as for the delicious home made Borsch and berry pie. Not to forget the Ukrainian BBQ party after the elections.

Little trip to the east – first stop Kharkiv

Kharkiv is an other important city in Ukraine. With its 29 university it is considered to be a student place. But it also is an industrialised place as so many Ukrainian cities. Most of those former state owned factories are shut down and abandoned.

From Kiev I took the Intercity which is the fastest connection to Kharkiv. The arrival was set for a quarter to midnight. Compared to the old Russian trains this one was totally different. Like a train from back home. Top modern including power outlets, food service and spacious at least in the first class. Unfortunately did the power not work but beside that great experience. And finally it was on time even to the surprise of my couchsurfing host.

Since my arrival was during night and Vera – my host – and her friend had to work the other day they decided to show me around by night. For a student town the center was super quiet. Except the many police officer were not many people left on the street.

Mr. Lenin, yaaa these monuments are still existing in some places. Once so powerful now so weak and police has to take care on him. Lucky him and unlucky me. While I was taking pictures of the monument some nearby officers showed up and wanted to see the pictures. My host managed the situation successfully and I only had to show them the pictures. They were afraid to be recognised on it. Anyway, at the end they tried to get the number from the girls. Even better was that there were a two other girls which they already tried to pick up before. I guess a quite boring job to take care on Lenin!

For me this picture represents quite well a part of the soviet stereotype. The people here really eat a lot of meat. In the supermarkets you can find mountains of sausages and even at the metro station are some sausage mini markets.

Kharkiv is home of some big factories such as the Malyshev Factory which in the beginning produced locomotives and later on tanks and other heavy machines. The main plant is in the center but a more interesting factory is in the outer skirts where they keep the broken tanks in a restricted and abandoned area.

Hot-Chocolate and Iced-Tea

What do you expect if you order a hot chocolate or ice tea? With my swiss back ground a hot milk with cacao or in the other case a cold tea like Nestea from the store.
But in some countries people take it literally and you will get served what you ordered. In the first case a bowl with melted chocolate where you usually can chose the flavour. Dark, brown or milk chocolate. In the second case you get two cups. One with a hot tea and the second with ice cubes, do it yourself 😉

Being ripped off!

Who doesn’t know that feeling being ripped off. Mostly you feel it somewhere abroad in a place you are a stranger. And quite often it might be in the situation when you face the bill of the taxi you just took. Thinking once more ‘why did I not ask for the meter?’ or ‘You should have known it.’.

But even more frustrating is it if its happen back home and you should have known it! Had to call my insurance to ask couple of things. One of those 0844 numbers which are always suspicious. The call lasted 9min and 37sec and it cost me 8.46 CHF. Which would be about 0.88 CHF/min for an information hotline of an insurance. Somehow not really a surprise since insurances in general are kind of money business but this!

Anyway, I had to send them a couple of documents later on and mentioned in the same mail my phone bill. Where as the response was that they have no influence on how much they get charged by the line operator. Now, few weeks later I’m writing this and did a short look up on the web and just decided to response to this mail. The swiss government office for communication states on their website that such a number shall be free but not charge more than 0.075 CHF/min. So more than 10 times less!

I can understand if a taxi driver in a developing country might ask you for a little more than locals. I will also tolerate this to a certain point where it becomes obvious that it is a tourist trap. But being ripped off by an insurance its something different.

Edit: On the website of Bakom is mentioned how much the maximum rate would be for land line and a side note that mobile could be charged more. Swisscom -my provider- charges mobile user an additional 0.80 CHF/min for calling such a number! So they rip you off …

Going home … – on the bus from ZRH

Always get a ticket, you never know when they will check it. An it was worth it 🙂
First bus I took in Zurich got checked. Everybody except me! How I did? Was standing between three jerks without or without a valid ticket.

Nr. 1: A secondo having no ticket at all. Telling them having no documents and no mobile at all. At some point he grabbed some paper in his pockets and pulled out a learners license. The person checking him gave him back a bill. Well done Nr. 1

Nr. 2: A swiss teenager – being older than 16 – having a 50% ticket but no discount card for it. Trying to be the stupid one not knowing it. Didn’t help and another bill was handed over. Nice try Nr. 2

Nr. 3: Unlucky Portuguese couple. They had a valid month card. Unfortunately it ended the day before. Poor you Nr. 3

And so I got around the control and could have left the bus after. Few station later they checked again and recognized me in the corner. Finally …

Crossing borders

Since the schengen agreement in europe you are so used to the fact that there are no more border controls for travelers. Except you move to the far east of europe … Ukraine. Never recognized before that border checks can last one hour and more on each side. Custom officer only speak the local language and if you are lucky the one on the other side which in my case wouldn’t help me!
I got no trouble in leaving Hungary where as my compartment mate who is ukrainian had to pay 30€ cos he stayed too long in schengenen area. But for a moment I felt uncomfortable. They asked me another two times to check my passport … looking for a reason to charge me too?
On the ukrainian side of the border every thing went smoothly. It just took ages … at 2:22am we finally got our passports back but it took another 30min or so till we moved on. The whole border check lasted at least 2:30 hours.

Crossing borders is here not only about passports but also about changing the trains gauge which is quite unusual! While the people stay on the train the cars get lifted and the gauge gets changed by the maintenance crew. Never seen that before 🙂

Hostel stories …

sometimes funny things happen in hostels. One of the most common one are roommates which need some nightly exercises in shaking bunk beds. It best works together with a partner from the other gender!
But the better ones are those which rarely happen. I will write down two similar stories about getting lost.

1. There was this funny english guy which we know under the name Tartu. Tartu is actually a place in Estonia about 2-3 hours from Tallinn by bus. As many english, he likes beer and not just one. In this particular night we all had a bit too much. At one point we changed the bar once more but unfortunately Tartu was refused by the bouncer. So he went along his own way.
Next time I saw him was the morning after at 10am just at the time he returned to the hostel telling us that he was in Tartu but he can’t remember how he got there. Furthermore, he woke up in a Hotel and realized his trip at the time he left it and had to ask where he is! Since that day he is a legend in Estonia known under the name Tartu.

2. After my second night in Budapest I sat in the common area eating my breakfast when a guy entered the hostel. He didn’t stay there and also didn’t want to check in he just asked to get in and to use the WiFi.
His story was even better. They arrived late night the evening before and went to their place to drop baggage before they went out. As he said they were already drunk from the bus ride anyway they went for some ruin pubs which are quite popular in Bratislava. Somewhen during the night he lost his friends and cos he couldn’t find them in the place he left it and started to walk around at 3am. Without a coat cos the cloakroom ticket had his friend and without to know were his hostel is. He wandered around for about 7 hours before he arrived in hour hostel. Still alive but totally wasted and I guess under cooled as well. So this guy is one of few which enjoyed such a long nightly walk through Budapest 🙂
He actually left our place before his friends replied his messages on Facebook. We never heard again from him …