For friday we planned to have a big night. We started with a meal and a bottle of Vodka which we shared with Matt. A russian guy form Moscow region traveling with his twin sister Mary and childhood friend Denise. Somewhen later that night all of us – Alex, them and me – went out. Just for a karaoke bar. Russians love that ‘shit’! They introduced us to some local shots based on Vodka and berry juice.
Later that night we change the place to another karaoke bar and some of us decided to go home. Anyway, they got back at 5am. They asked me if I would like to go back to the hostel with them. I refused. Not really sober but on my own I went for after party in Saint Petersburg. In the first place I got asked by the barkeeper if I want a big or small drink. For sure ‘Big’ was my answer. Didn’t expect a pincher … got about 1l or more of Mojito.
Somewhen I ended up in a weird club where I spent the rest of my time. For the way home I took a Kebab. Meanwhile my energy level was running low and my phone’s was already done. And for sure google maps didn’t work neither! I got lost and finally it took me almost 2 hours to find the way back to the place. People were already wondering what happened to me when I returned at 3pm on Saturday … One reason, why you always should take a printed map instead of the smartphone!