Bjork Biophilia Concert

What shall I say … It was great. Nice performance by Bjork and her crew. Was absolutely worth to queue that long in the morning. There were 4 musicians – one drummer, one sound engineer and an organ player – and about 30 singers/dancers performing around Bjork.

On the stage were also some more advanced music instruments you may not expect. There were a couple of oversized pendulums. Furthermore sound engineer also used a Reactable for one of the performed title. But the coolest thing were the two tesla coils to generate some strange noises. Combined with Bjork and her orchestra just great.

The whole stage was awesome. They performed in the middle of the medium sized music hall, so the audience surrounded the stage. Because of the size of the room not any one was really far away from the hot spot.

Unfortunately no one was allowed to take pictures. I even had to put my desk to the wardrobe. That was kind of the shock when we returned. Our bags disappeared. Finally they found them in some other lockers they couldn’t open before!

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